Did you know vampire loads \u2014 or power consumed even when electronics are turned off \u2014 can add up to about $200 in yearly costs? Advanced power strips, primarily used for home office and entertainment centers, prevent vampire loads by cutting power to specific outlets until you use your devices again. Several strip options are available, including timers, remote controls and infrared sensor monitoring. Can\u2019t get out to find a strip or unable to locate one online? Keep unused, non-essential electronics unplugged until you need to use them again.<\/p>\n
On sunny days, open your curtains to allow the sun to naturally warm the rooms of your home without using electricity. Natural sunlight can also lift your mood to help brighten your day. On warm days, close your curtains to help keep your house cool.<\/p>\n
Set your thermostat one degree lower when heating or one degree higher when cooling. This can decrease energy use by up to 2 percent.<\/p>\n
Wash full loads, whether it\u2019s clothes or dishes. Washing multiple small loads means you\u2019re using and heating more water, which can increase your expenses. Using cold water for clothes washing can also help lower your costs.<\/p>\n
Keep the faucet off while handwashing dishes, washing your hands and brushing your teeth. Letting the water run during these simple activities can waste several gallons of water, which raises your water heating and water-use costs. Turning the faucet off can save up to 6 gallons a day for handwashing, and up to 200 gallons a month when brushing your teeth.<\/p>\n
Help your heating and cooling system run more efficiently by regularly replacing your furnace filters. As a best practice, check your filters regularly and clean or replace them when they\u2019re dirty or every six months.<\/p>\n
Schedule time into your routine to break away from electronic devices. Whether you take a walk, read, work on your DIY list, or meditate, unplugging is a great no-cost way to restore your personal energy reserves while saving on energy costs.<\/p>\n
For more ideas, visit our\u00a0Energy Saving Tips Page<\/a><\/p>\n
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